Illig / Illig Clothing
Founded: 1997
Founder: John Illig
Location: New York, NY
Illig Clothing was founded by John Illig in New York City in 1997. John was sculpture artist and painter who studied art at Yale University.
His first run at a clothing line was a rocky one. Illig initially focused on classic sports related activewear and gear: hockey, basketball and football jerseys, tracksuits and the like with slogans like Fort Knox or Project City instead of team names, but Illig found footing quickly with a quick pivot to the rave scene that was already in full effect around the world by 1998.
He redesigned his line with the clubber in mind and created offerings like wide leg pants and tech inspirited cut and sew with movement in mind. “When you wear Illig you will feel the fabric dancing with you!”
Within a year of the makeover, Illig was in 400 retail shops, many in Japan and had opened a Japanese based satellite of the brand.
According to archival catalogs and ads, the Illig logo was supposed to look like a man dancing. It was also based on a Chinese character that means “hole.” “The world of Illig is similar to a black hole. Once you find your way in, you won’t find your way out!”
Contributing Members: @mrthingone